Latest version of 95 RAP™ app (version number & release notes)

Modified on Fri, 2 Aug at 4:33 PM

1.14.1 is the latest version of the 95 RAP app

All devices (Teacher and Student) must use latest version.

Read this article on how to check 95 RAP app version.

Release Details

8/1/2024 - 95 RAP version -1.14.1

This release includes important fixes and enhancements.

Notable changes include:

- Fixes related to assessment for Word Attack and Spelling.

- Formatting changes for Phonological Awareness

- Spelling assessment starts at SPL 003 by streamline assessment

- Changes to the 95 RAP admin app

Previous Releases

7/11/2024 - 95 RAP version -1.14.0

This release includes updates to the following areas

  • Curriculum alignment for phonological awareness with 95 Percent Group products
  • New Oral Drill questions
  • Phonological Awareness Explicit Instruction "I Do, We Do, You Do"  Screens
  • RAP Admin Tool Enhancements
  • Single Sign On Integration with One95
  • Fixes and improvements based on feedback.
    • The fail to load with white screen fixed in this release

Also, with this release, teachers will no longer be able to log in through the PWA version of RAP. Clients using username and password will log in via, and clients using SSO will log in via Students can continue to use the PWA with a PIN code to join a teacher session.

A note to the teachers will appear on the PWA version instructing them to log in via the website. This will be communicated in an email to all RAP users. (see mock-up below)

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

In this release of the 95 RAP app, the curriculum changes include new questions in the Oral Drill bank. These updated questions align more closely with recently updated Word Attack Skill Introduction screens. They are designed to help support the automatic recall of letter names, letter sounds, word patterns, syllabication rules, and vocabulary. There are prepopulated questions for each Word Attack list, and teachers can still add their own individually targeted questions.

The phonological awareness scope and sequence has also been updated. Because of this, there is no longer a phonological awareness assessment. We recommend beginning instruction at PHA 001, and the app will utilize an adaptive approach to moving forward as students obtain mastery.

New Skill Introduction screens in the Phonological Awareness component guide teachers through the gradual release approach with I Do, We Do, You Do prompts. This instructional dialogue aligns with the 95 Phonemic Awareness Suite™, providing consistent instructional routines that enable seamless movement across tiers of instruction. The Phonological Awareness lessons include using manipulatives, such as sound chips. Students struggling to discern individual phonemes in words have visual assistance when identifying, segmenting, and manipulating speech sounds.

Based on the latest reading research, we have updated instruction to include letter-sound connections. Evidence shows that focused instruction on phonemes, directly followed by instruction that connects the phonemes to their corresponding letters, increases students’ skill proficiency exponentially. In Level K, students will use manipulatives free of graphemes for visual assistance. Beginning at Level 100, you’ll notice there is a skill a and skill b. For students without letter-sound knowledge, you will use only skill a, which uses manipulatives free of graphemes. Skill b introduces the use of graphemes to allow students to connect phonemes to their corresponding letters. As soon as students gain letter-sound knowledge, you will want to begin addressing skills a and b.


To see the Phonological Awareness component, check out this knowledge base article and video.

1.13.1 is the latest version of the 95 RAP Web App

All devices (Teacher and Student) must use latest version.

Read this article on how to check 95 RAP app version.

Release Details

4/18/2024 - 95 RAP version -1.13.1

Enhancements and fixes in this release


1.13.0 is the latest version of the 95 RAP Web App

All devices (Teacher and Student) must use latest version.

Read this article on how to check 95 RAP app version.

Release Details

3/7/2024 - 95 RAP version -1.13.0

We're excited to release a series of CSV report downloads containing skill history and implementation data for teachers, and admins using 95 RAP. These reports are valuable tools for analyzing student progress and implementation. The release includes fixes and enhancements, including performance optimizations.

The newly introduced CSV exports are:

  • Class Activity Report (accessible to Account and School Admins) provides insights into RAP implementation at the class level, facilitating quick reviews or further analysis. It includes fields such as teacher name, class name, date range, average minutes per day, average days per week, and average time in each component. This report aids administrators in ensuring consistent class and component lengths for all students, enabling comparison of implementation with student progress. 
  • Student Activity Report (accessible to Account and School Admins) offers data on RAP implementation at the student level, suitable for quick reviews or deeper analysis. Fields include teacher name, student name, date range, average minutes per day, average days per week, and average time in each component. Admins can utilize this report to ascertain if students are meeting recommended dosage, facilitating comparison with academic progress data.
  • Teacher Summary Report (accessible to Account and School Admins) presents data on teachers within an account or school, including names, subscription status, number of students served, number of classes, number of days, and last RAP group taught. This report assists in understanding implementation details related to specific teachers for effective planning.
  • School Summary Report (accessible for Account Admins) provides a comprehensive overview of schools using RAP within an account, including the number of teachers, classes, students, and days in instruction. Account admins can leverage this report to assess the student population served across district schools, establish connections to usage and capacity, and evaluate sustained implementation and outcomes.
  • Student Progress Report (accessible for Account Admins) offers data on various skill metrics across all RAP components for all students in a school or district. For example, this report would be used to analyze data related to student progress or to aggregate student data.
  • Student Progress Report (accessible for Teachers) offers data on various skill metrics across all RAP components for all students in a class. For example, this report would be used to analyze data related to student progress or to aggregate student data.


1.12.0 is the latest version of the 95 RAP Web App

All devices (Teacher and Student) must use latest version.

Read this article on how to check 95 RAP app version.

Release Details

1/11/2024 - 95 RAP version -1.12.0


We’re excited to announce the release of the newest version (1.12.0) of the 95 RAP app, with updated Word Attack Skill Introduction screens. The Skill Introduction screen appears at the start of the Word Attack component, when students move to new lists during the component, and if you click on the Skill Introduction button during the component.

These updated Skill Introduction screens provide enhanced and expanded instructional dialogue to support the introduction of patterns and skills during Word Attack. This instructional dialogue aligns with our 95 Percent Group Core and Intervention products, providing a seamless experience for students as they navigate through the tiers of instruction.

Additionally, the Skill Introduction screen will now only appear on the teacher’s screen, allowing students to begin marking and practicing their words right away.

You’ll notice the gradual release technique through the “Listen”, “Mark”, and “Read” sections.

  • I Do – Instructional Dialogue under “Listen” introduces or reviews key concepts related to the student’s Word Attack list.
  • We Do – Instructional Dialogue under “Mark” provides step-by-step guidance for using the drawing tool to reinforce patterns.
  • You Do – Instructional Dialogue under “Read” releases students to mark and decode their words while waiting for their turn.

We hope you find these enhancements beneficial for both you and your students! 


New in this version

  • Adding updated Word Attack Skill Introduction modals
  • New content on Teacher's Skill Introduction Modal during assessment
  • Show the skill introduction modal when teacher changes the student's WAT List
  • Remove WAT review modal from student screen at start of Word Attack
  • Bug fixes


1.11.1 is the latest version of the 95 RAP Web App

All devices (Teacher and Student) must use latest version.

Read this article on how to check 95 RAP app version.

Release Details

11/14/2023 - 95 RAP version -1.11.1


This release includes enhanced fluency logic updates for goal setting and guidance for moving students forward, including enhancements and fixes to improve performance.


New in this version

  • Enhanced logic for fluency for goal setting and moving students forward
  • Fix for scrolling on Chromebook
  • Fix for Attendance tile in class activity
  • Additional guidance on WAT assessment modal
  • Help icon (question mark) link fixed

10/26/2023 - 95 RAP version -1.11.0

In this release is improved logic for selecting Fluency list and passages and Comprehension starting level based on the WAT assessment, including enhancements and fixes to improve performance.

  • New in this version
  • Improved teacher prompts in Spelling component
  • Improved components’ selection logic based on WAT assessment
  • Lowered sensitivity of slow connection banner
  • Improved navigation in coaching views
  • Fix calculation of student attendance total days tile
  • Fix for student’s word attack page when words overflow and require scrolling
  • Fix for class settings max minutes inputs

Significant change in this release is HillRAP rebranded as 95 RAP and moved to 95 Percent Group Dev environment, including the release of a new administration app for 95 Percent Group employees to support clients and implementations. In addition, there are numerous enhancements and fixes.

  • New in this version
  • New 95 RAP branding and support
  • Updated policy pages
  • Student Connection Improvements
  • In Word Attack, teacher can reopen the preview screen, and missed words are highlighted on review screen
  • In Phonological Awareness, teacher can reopen Skill Introduction Screen
  • In Drill, fix questions appearing with more than three checkmarks, lower Ask Again modal time to 2 seconds
  • In Spelling, missed words are highlighted on review screen
  • In Independent Comprehension, fix incorrect multiple choice questions are not automatically graded
  • Fix for account admin creating classes

5/17/23 - HillRAP Web App version -1.9.2 features

    - Hotfix for drawing issue in vocabulary

5/17/23 - HillRAP Web App version 1.9.1 features

  • New Features
    • Coaching Views
      • My Teachers
      • Overview
      • My Classes
  • Updates & Fixes
    • Student Experience
      • Student screen flashes Session Paused modal - bug fixed
      • Student Connection Improvements
    • Independent Comprehension
      • Students can view complete story while answering a questions
    • Vocabulary
      • Large student drawings handled more efficiently to prevent disconnection a student    
    • Skill Tracking Report
      • Initial and final attempts were reversed for Comprehension
    • Student Attendance Percentage  (attendance tab data points and reports)
      • Only includes sessions after the student was added to the class. This is important if a student is added to the class late.
    • Class Activity Tab updates
      • Days per week calculation was incorrect
      • column headers are fixed position on the session detail table 
    • Admin Views
      • Students only appear once (Students tab)
      • Alphabetical order for lists of students, classes, teachers, and schools (including drop-downs)

Previous Releases

3/14/23 - HillRAP Web App version 1.9.0 features (with links for more information)

  • New Features
    • Organizational Admins
      • Admin - Login Access (how to log in as an admin)
      • Views for School and Account/District Admins
        • Admin - Overview tab
        • Admin - Students tab 
        • Admin - Classes tab 
    • Version update button
      • If the user is not using the most current version of the app, a manual update button will be available in the bottom left corner, next to where the app version number is displayed.
    • Visual cue added to student internet disconnection alert
      • Having a visual cue on the student screen when they're disconnected from the internet will facilitate troubleshooting since often students can't read the alert messages.
  • Bug fixes
    • Student search by student ID number added
    • Student updates displayed in student list

2/27/23 - HillRAP Web App version 1.8.8 features (with links for more information)

  • New Features
    • Starting Instruction from the Manage a Class screen 
    • Class details card 
    • Class Activity tab
      • Activity data points
      • Session details
      • CSV export of session details
    • Data points added to the Student Attendance tab
  • Bug fixes
    • Improved student connection & messaging

1/19/23 - HillRAP Web App version 1.8.7 features (with links for more information)

  • Bug fixes
    • Vocab words added from Word Attack in instruction will be sent to the student during the session
    • The "Next List" button in PHA no longers triggers an error
  • Improved navigation throughout the app

11/22/22 - HillRAP Web App version 1.8.6 features (with links for more information)

  • Fix for slow Fluency List loading with larger drawing/data files bug
  • Fix for Vocabulary (on iPads) not displaying student drawings for teachers
  • Skill Tracking Report
    • Added to the Class screen for faster printing for progress reports, etc.
    • Phonological Awareness skills listed with updated result percentages.
  • Attendance Report: term added to file name
  • App version number that is running added to instruction, management, and teacher login 
  • Session connection and overall performance improvements

10/19/22 - HillRAP Web App version 1.8.5 features (with links for more information)

  • Fix for the Start Instruction bug

10/14/22 - HillRAP Web App version 1.8.4 features (with links for more information)

  • Downloadable Handwriting Artifact (previously HLS Spelling Handwriting) - The location for this will be more intuitive after the next release.
  • Spanish version of the Skill Tracking Report (includes a Spanish version of the Parent Letter, and component descriptions)
  • New layout for non-instructional pages (header changes & styles cleanup)
  • Fix for Fluency from List - Teacher can view the student's previous missed words for review prior to their timed attempt. 
  • Increased max number of students to 8 for scheduling flexibility, but still only 5 students for instruction. 
  • Improvements made to support students rejoining a session

9/17/22 - HillRAP Web App version 1.8.3 features (with links for more information)

  • Fix for teachers to be automatically reconnected to an existing session if the teacher device is disconnected. This will maintain the same PIN code and automatically keep the teacher and students in the session. More refinements on this feature coming soon!
  • Adds the ability to Access Historical Attendance Reports for Students, to get a clearer picture of their previous HillRAP instruction.
  • Updated the Skill Tracking Report cover sheet to include all teachers and classes for the term since student data is connected to their term and a Skill Tracking Report will pull all of that student's data for the term, even if they have had multiple classes in the term.
  • Added Appendix A to the Skill Tracking Report to provide details for the Fluency Skills section of Fluency from Text
  • Fixes for bugs in Independent Comprehension
  • Help Guide in non-instructional pages, with the latest solution articles to common questions (see image below)

8/17/22 - HillRAP Web App version 1.8.2 features (with links for more information) 

  • Adds class history to profile tab to Access Historical Skill Tracking Reports for Students 
  • Adds attendance report download modal to the student management page
  • Adds the option to include a parent letter on the Skill Tracking Report
  • Attendance Report (PDF or CSV) 

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